Thursday, October 16, 2008

Unit 3 Vexternal Links

Video wikis in plain English


I chose these two links because to me they seem easy to follown and to get around on the site. The first link is a video of how to create wikis, lately we have seen some videos from this site and I enjoy them because they are easy to understand, they explain the steps visually of what you are supposed to do, and they are just plain simple. I think anyone could create a wiki or anything else after watching one of these videos.

The second link is also easy to get around in the page for example, when i opened this link I clicked on an example of a webquest about dinosaurs. I then found out that it was a webquest for second graders and I thought that it was very easy to get around from task to task and it was very well developed. If second graders can use them, we can also manage to use them but also develop them.

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